Foxes Meeting at Oji
Tamaya Tamaya
Takiyasha the Witch and the Skeleton Spectre - Set of 3 -
Cats Enjoying the Evening Cool
Tametomo Rescued by Tengu sent by Sanuki-in - Set of 3 -
He may look scary, but he's a hell of a nice guy.
Shower at Ryôgoku Bridge
Fox-fires at Ôji
The actors Ichikawa Danjuro V as a skeleton
Disguised Immortal
Bakemono Chushingura Nr.1-4
Strange Events at Tomonoura in Asakusa
Listening to Crickets at Dôkan Hill
Lantern Plants as Mitate of Children at Play
Young like an old woman
Bakemono Chushingura Nr.9-11
Bakemono Chushingura Nr.5-8